Prostate Care Tea
Take 1 tea bag, 1 or 2 times daily.
Steep one tea bag with 300-500ml boiling water for 10 minutes.
Store in a cool, dark and dry place.
– Cyathula root (Hookweed Root / Radix Cyathulae / CHUAN NIU XI)
– Green tea
– Liquorice (Licorice / Glycyrrhiza glabra / Zhi Gan Cao)
– Notoginseng root (san qi, tian qi or tien chi)
– Ophiopogon Tuber (Creeping- or Dwarf Lily-Turf root / Radix Ophiopogonis / MAI MEN DONG)
– Tree Peony root bark (Moutan root bark / Cortex Moutan / MU DAN PI)
– Plantago seeds (Asian Plantain seeds / Semen Plantaginis / CHE QIAN ZI)
– Vaccaria seeds (Cow Soapwort seed / Semen Vaccariae / WANG BU LIU XING)
3g x 12 tea bags per box.
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